Xhare [+] pew pew

Xhare [+] pew pew

Saturday 3 November 2012

Windows 8 tips and tricks

Hi, I have not posted anything ever since I created this blog account. I guess school (Im in university, but i'll just call it school coz its shorter to write down, just like "cause", see..Coz..nvm) just got in the way. Never really thought why I wanted to create a blog for anyway. But now I have decided to post about what interest me!:D

le start view of windows 8

le desktop view
So what do I wanna talk about first? I'm gonna talk about this new thing on the market, very fantastic in my opinion (IMO), called Windows 8 =) now some, if not a lot, would argue that its a piece of garbage, I was in the same position when I started using W8. I despised not having the Start button. As I have my default panel on the left, it was very confusing to switch between apps/panel/the reality.  I was very close to the point of finding a way to downgrade it back to Windows 7:/ *sad face*. .

But then, after 2 to 3 days of persevering, going through the pain of learning (thats right, its a pain learning something new, most people would despise learning something they should be already good at), I actually started to see potential on how..good this new makeover of Windows operating system (OS). Now, I might not be a professional at reviewing what OS is good or not. I am just merely stating my opinion. As an all time Windows user. For your information, I also use Ubuntu 12.04 as secondary (sigh, please be gentle, just saying that I have dual-boot, and Windows is my primary). and also Lubuntu 12.10 on my netbook. I love Linux, but not to the point of extreme enthusiast (kill all who does not use Linux, them noobs don't know what they are using), no, I am not like that. Its good when I want no distraction doing my work, AHA:D!

The handy left panel..now watch

Walla! an app has filled the panel! Magic!

Now using this panels might be confusing at first, but thats ok. Remember when you have to learn at tying your shoelace? It was a pain wasn't it. So is with all new things. These are the features that frustrate some people. Its understandable. But a powerful tool when mastered. If your an avid windws app users that is:) (or will-be). This allows you to open 3 applications at once. Not that I use it that often, but its wonderful feature that most basher missed (HA!).

But then again, why cramp everything onto 1 screen, when you can get 2 monitors? BUT THEN AGAIN, you have to spend more money? pros and cons there..

See? 3 apps

 I would also like to point out that windows 8 is more efficient (if thats the right word). Let me explain. When I was using windows 7, my pc always crashes whenever I was playing games ie:LoL, while opening up a browser (Firefox/Chrome)  with only 2-3 tabs. But ever since using Windows 8, I could play my games while opening up Itunes, browser with more or less 10tabs, my Pc have would not crash. Except today, while playing and watching (more like listening) to the MLG LoL stream with about 5-8 tabs. My Itunes was also up. I guess I was over pushing it but hey, I guess I could just call it a stress test :p

So, as a personal view to Windows 8, I deem it to be a worthy successor to the lineage of Windows operating system. Much battle it will have to go through to gain (or regain) respect, and trust of the people, but I believe (personally) that Windows 8 will be adopted as soon as people can go around using the new interface. Learning curve, as many have said, is quite steep, but do not let that hinder you to use it. Don't listen to people bashing Windows 8 until you have tried them yourself. And when you do try them, give it a week (to be safe, not sure how pc-adapt people are) but be mindful that the learning curve is steep. After all that, then you can think what you want about windows 8. I am for one, will not turn my back on it (also from my ubuntu/lubuntu :D)

Oh, before I say good bye, when you are using Windows 8, the "windows" button will be your new best-friend. However, when you just boot in, you will be brought straight to the Start interface, not desktop. To go to the desktop inerface, you will have to press on the app, which is rather easy, and as soon as you open that up, you can now use your Windows button to go to the start menu again :)

+ also, if you cannot find the application you want to use, there are 2 simple ways to find it:

1) Press the "windows button" + "q", this will go to search and just type out the app u wanted :)

2) the simplest way, just press the  "windows button" and start typing :)

After some time, you will get used to the new stuff, and you can arrange where the apps you want and where :) very convenient :)

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